During February, Del Monte will feature great sale prices on canned fruits, vegetables and tomato products through their truckload sales at participating commissaries throughout the states and overseas.
General Mills hopes to help you become healthy and well
This month General Mills supports your healthy lifestyle by offering great sale prices, coupons and product demonstrations on it's organic and gluten free products.
Check out Ocean Spray's Truckload Sale
Also in February, Ocean Spray will feature great savings on juice products in truckload sales at participating commissaries.
Commissaries expand focus on health in 2011
Customers who want to improve their health will have plenty of help at their local commissary as the new year rolls out a variety of special discounts, coupon booklets and giveaways.
"Our industry partners have joined together to offer our customers the most nutritious and delicious products for your mind, body and wallet," said Chris Burns, sales director for the Defense Commissary Agency. "Your local commissary is working diligently to offer the very best selection of food products worldwide at a great savings. The expansion of health and wellness products will provide our customers with healthy alternatives throughout the commissary aisles."
February is the kick-off month for a variety of health initiatives being promoted at many DeCA stores worldwide. Since some of these promotions may differ depending on location and size of the store, customers are asked to check their local commissary to see what promotions are going on at their installation.
The healthy promotion lineup begins with a "Heart Truth Extraordinary" giveaway that includes a trip for two to a Red Mountain Spa; heart monitor watches; and Heart Truth fitness packs: a gym bag, t-shirt and water bottle. This special promotion also includes discount coupon booklets that are valued at $10. This special Heart Truth program is hosted by a variety of industry partners.
Also beginning in February, there will be a "Just Add Milk!" promotion, offering high-value coupons on special select cereals, including a coupon for free milk with multiple purchases.
[Visit Focus on Health to read the rest of the article.]
Here's some sites to hit for some great coupons:
Campbell's Kitchen - Savings Center
Visit http://www.campbellkitchen.
Classico Inspired Italian Sauces
Del Monte Foods promotions
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