Monday, January 17, 2011

Sending Coupons Overseas!

We clip, save, and throw them away! How crazy!
We are always telling people how couponing can not only save your family money, but also put you in a possition to help other either financially, by giving them items they need, or by donating from your stockpile.

So when you take out your expired coupons, what do you do with them? Most of us throw them away, but there is another option and it gives back to our Military families living overseas! Did you know these families can use our expired coupons for up to 6 months past expiration? How great is that for them!

Here are a few sites I've seen that offer an Overseas Coupon Program. Each will instruct you on what to do as far as preparing your coupons for mailing and how and where to mail them. Another great thing about these programs is they allow you to adopt a base if you want. I hope this is helpful for those who think it's crazy throwing away bags of coupons!

Please let us know if you find a program you would like to share!
Happy Couponing!
{ -Rachel- }

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