Does Couponing Save?
There are a few things I want to start out with. One, I do have to point out that my husband and I purchase 1/2 a cow every year with our Income Tax Return, so you will not see meat as apart of my cost. Two, I am a Stay-At-Home Homeschooling Mom of 4 kids. We eat every meal here. I make breakfast and lunch for 5 people a day and dinner for 6 (8 on Thursdays). This will show everything for all my meals (89+ meals/month). Hopefully everyone will see what you can purchase and how couponing really does save a lot of $ and is more than worth your time and effort.

January 2011:

25 Mission Tortillas
4 Rotini Tri Pasta
6 Finish Power Tab Dishwasher detergent
12 Classico Pasta Sauces
1 Mr. Clean all purpose cleaner
1 12pk bounty paper towel
1 Kelloggs Raisin Bran Cereal
2 Kelloggs Fiber Plus Cereal
2 Wholly Guacamole
10 cans of Albertsons Olives
Total Before coupons and Sale Price: $96.54
My Total: $10.79

8 Bags of Starbucks Coffee Beans
13 FredMeyer Preserves
4 packs of Fred Meyer TP
1 FredMeyer Napkin
Total before coupons and sale price: $124.54
My Total: $67.87

1 Visine Eye Drop
1 Blink Tears
2 Wet Ones Antibacterial wipes
2 Huggies size 4 Boxed diapers
4 Zicam Cold
8 Auqafresh Advanced Toothpaste
1 Claritin D 24 hour
1 Flavorex Flavoring for prescription
1 Sobe Life water
6 Trident gums
1 Mentos Chewables
4 packs of Dixie plates
1 Wet n'Wild Make up remover
1 Wet n'Wild mascara
1 Wet n'Wild Tinted Moisturizer
1 Wet n'Wild eye liner
1 Wet n'Wild pencil sharpener
2 Boxes of Quaker instant oatmeal
8 Boxes of Special K Red Berry Cereal
2 Boxes of Special K Original
1 20ct. Always Panti liners
2 Tide Detergants
1 Tide Stain Release
2 8ct. Bounty Paper towel Double Rolls
2 Xtra Laundry Soaps
10 Stay Free Pads
Total before coupons and sale price: $347.93
My Total: $55.18

2 boxes of Chex Cereal
2 Rice Crispies Cereal
1 bag Marshmallows
4 Whelch's Grape Juice
4 V8 Fusion with tea
Total before coupons and Sale price: $33.86
My Total: $11.92
MISC. stops
Produce ($15)
Bread ($15)
Milk ($19.99)
Total: $49.99
Rewards Recieved:
2 $5 rewards from Alby's
$98 in +ups from RiteAid (there are more, but can't remember how much)
1 $7.99 in SCR from RiteAid
Total: $115.99
I could have spent: $652.86
My total spent this month was: $195.72
My total savings was: $457.14 or 70%
Rewards still to spend: $52.99 (if I were to factor these in my total spent would go down to $142.73, but I like to count them in my savings when I use them)
I do have to end this with the fact that I am not known for purchasing 25 packages of tortillas and these will last me about 10+ months. Also, I stock up on Starbucks coffee whenever I can. I haven't done this for 5 months and still have 3 or 4 left in my freezer so coffee wise I'm good for 8 months or more. Because of these two items, I'm thinking this is one of my more expensive months. I will continue to keep tabs on what I spend and report back next month.
Here is where I am at with my stock-pile:
Toilet Paper -about 7 months worth
Laundry Soap - about 1 year worth
Paper Towels -4 months worth
Tooth paste - more than 3 years worth but I like to donate these
Cold meds - good for this season
Cereal - 4 months worth (I never pay over $.75 for cereal)
Pasta - 6 months worth
Pasta Sauce- 6 months worth
Dish soap- 6 months worth
Coffee - 8-10 months worth
Tortillas - 10+ months worth (they freeze)
Shredded & Block Cheese - 3 months worth (also freeze)
Dish Soap - 5+ months
Crackers - 4+ months
Cake Mix - 1+ years
Juice - 2 months
Deodorant - 1 year
Body wash - 4 months
Shampoo/Conditioner 3+ months
Girly Supplies - 8 months (stocking up for my 3 girls too)
Please leave any questions or comments. I would love to respond. I really hope you found this helpful especially if your new to the coupon world. I'm am proud of my savings especially considering I have a family of 6. Let this be encouraging to you that a family of any size can save money all while purchasing name brand items (and not a lot of junk food). Collect and organize your coupons, wait for a good sale, make a shopping list, get things in order before you go, and save.
Happy Couponing!
{ -Rachel- }
We would love to hear from you! Please leave a comment, question, or your monthly savings! We love sharing in this journey and will be more than happy to do the "Happy Dance" with you!
-Savvy With Savings-
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