We are very excited about all the baby items this week! This is a good one!
Desitin $2.99
buy one receive $2.00 +up
-use $1.00/1 from 1/9 smartsource
-OR use $1.00/1 printable from here
Final price: FREE!!
Johnson & Johnson baby care products $2.99
buy one receive $2.00 +up
-use $2.oo/2 bedtime printable from here
-OR use $1.00/1 soothing vapors printable from here
-OR use $3.00/3 baby wash, baby shampoo, or Desitin printable from here
-OR use $1.00/1 bubble bath and wash printable from here
Final price: FREE!!
Huggies Jumbo pack diapers, Pull-ups, Goodnights or baby wipes (320-360 ct.) $8.99
buy one receive $2.00 +up
-use $2.00/1 little snugglers printable from www.coupons.com (NLA--hopefully you printed!)
-OR use $3.00/2 printable from here
-OR use $1.50/1 snug and dry blinkies found around town
-OR use $2.00/1 Pull-ups printable from here
-OR use $.50/1 huggies wipes coupon from www.coupons.com (NLA)
Final price: as low as $4.99!
**deal idea**
buy 2 packs Huggies diapers
buy 1 Desitin rash cream
total: $20.97
-use $4.00/$20.00 Riteaid video value coupon
-use (2) $2.00 Huggies coupons
-use $1.00 Desitin coupon
total OOP: $11.97
receive $6.00 in +ups....like paying $5.97 for all three!!!! WOO HOO!!!
I don't see any limits on these items, but if you are going to be wanting to purchase a lot, I would recommend talking to your Riteaid manager to see if you can special order some!
Thanks so much for posting about this... I can't wait for next week at Rite Aid!!!