I ran to Albertsons again today. When you have doublers, you can't help but use them!
Here's what I did:
4 Quick Ready Pastas $1
1 Reach Dental Floss $1.89
3 Gallons of milk
-used 2 $1/2 Quick Ready Pasta
-used $1/1 Reach Floss
-used 3 Free Milk Cats from Kellogg's Promo
-used 3 doublers
Total: $.16 in tax for floss and received $1 OYNO from pasta
4 Quick Ready Pastas $1
1 Reach Dental Floss $1.89
-used 2 $1/2 Quick Ready Pasta
-used $1/1 Reach Floss
-used 3 doublers
Total: $.16 in tax for floss and received $1 OYNO from pasta
2 Boxes of Ritz Munchables $2.49
3 Idaho Potato Packs $1
-used 2 $1/1 Ritz Munchables
-used $1/3 Idaho Potato Packs
-used $1 Cat from T1
-used 3 doublers
Total: $.98
2 Boxes of Ritz Munchables $2.49
3 Idaho Potato Packs $1
-used 2 $1/1 Ritz Munchables
-used $1/3 Idaho Potato Packs
-used $1 Cat from T2
-used 3 doublers
Total: $.98
Grand Total Was: $2.30 for 20 items or $.23 each and I received a $5 reward!!!
A 94% savings!
I LOVE doublers!
Happy Couponing!
{ -Rachel- }
I have to say Derek at the Wandermere location is Amazing! He told me not to wait for doublers at CS, just do my shopping, hit his line and he would take care of everything. Derek, YOU ARE THE BEST! (Great employees are what make me pass other Albertsons and go to theirs!) :)