Transaction 1:
1 Wesson vegetable oil
1 Pam cooking spray
4 Peter Pan peanut butter
2 cans Hunt's tomatoes
shelf price: $25.82
sale price: $14.75
total OOP: $14.75
received $10.00 catalina
Transaction 2:
1 Wesson vegetable oil
6 Peter Pan peanut butter
Shelf price: $26.03
Sale price: $13.63
-used $10.00 cat from T1
total OOP: $3.63
received another $10.00 cat.
Transaction 3:
total: $16.25 (this is my splurge for her party!)
-used $10.00 catalina
my OOP: $6.25
plus I earned a $5.00 Albertsons reward coupon good for my next purchase!
total spent: $24.63
total saved: $43.67 or 64%
plus I have $5.00 to spend
this is pretty good savings considering half of my out of pocket expenses were birthday party items!! I probably could have done a lot better on this promo, but I only wanted to buy items I knew I needed and would use so I am pretty happy with my shopping trip today!
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